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how much do consultants get paid?
Salaries for management analysts vary widely by years of experience and education, geographic location, sector of expertise, and size of employer. Generally, management analysts employed in large firms or in metropolitan areas have the highest salaries. Median annual wage and salary earnings of management analysts in May 2004 were $63,450. The middle 50 percent earned between $48,340 and $86,650. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $37,680, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $120,220. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of management analysts in May 2004 were:
Management, scientific, and technical consulting services
Federal Government
Computer systems design and related services
Management of companies and enterprises
State government
According to a the Association of Management Consulting Firms, typical earnings in 2004—including bonuses and profit sharing—averaged $52,482 for research associates in member firms; $65,066 for entry-level consultants; $89,116 for management consultants; $123,305 for senior consultants; $191,664 for junior partners; and $317,339 for senior partners. Only the most experienced workers in highly successful management consulting firms earn these top salaries.
Salaried management analysts usually receive common benefits, such as health and life insurance, a retirement plan, vacation, and sick leave, as well as less common benefits, such as profit sharing and bonuses for outstanding work. In addition, all travel expenses usually are reimbursed by the employer.
Self-employed consultants have to maintain their own office and provide their own benefits.
Region wise consultants
AQA Company offers ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14000 consulting, template manuals and procedures, and training materials by Jack Kanholm.
CALISO Consulting specializes in consulting for implementation and certification to ISO 9000:2000 and to related standards such as TL 9000, ISO 13485, ISO/TS 16949, Six Sigma , pharmaceutical GMPs, medical GMPs, Human Food GMPs, ISO 14000, OHSAS 18000, and HACCP. Phone 510-864-0463.
GAB Consultancy, Inc. is distinguished by their ability to qualify California clients for state reimbursement and makes implementing and following their program cost effective.
In San Jose's Silicon Valley, California, SSQC is positioned to help software and hardware developers, manufacturers, and service providers in these six related areas: Software Process Improvement, Software Quality Assurance and Testing, CMM and CMMI Implementation Services, ISO 9001:2000 Implementation Services, Education and Training Services, and Business Process Re-engineering. E-mail Bill Deibler or phone him at +1-408-985-4476.
Alchemists Int'l.; ISO 9000:2000, ISO16949, AS 9100, Enterprise Risk Management AS/NZS4360:1994, Medical Device Manufacturing ISO13485 and 13488, TQM for Small Businesses, Cost of Quality, Process Reengineering, Leadership and Management - Guaranteed ROI. Team Development. 20 years experience in Business Leadership and Management, 15yrs with ISO 9000 and equivalents (including their predecessor documents MIL-Q-9858, MIL-I-45208, D1-9000, Q1, etc.). Contact Jeffrey Edwards at 904-276-0067 or
VISA - How to, by Rekha
US Work Visas – Employee Guide
There are 5 main ways an individual can obtain residency and work authorization in the United States:
Sponsorship by an Employer
Sponsorship by a close Family Member in the United States
The Diversity Visa Lottery Program
Asylum & Refugee Status can help you with the first 4 items from the above list.
If you are interested in investment in the USA, please see information about the various investment based visas.
The main types of temporary US work visas are the H1B, the L1 and the E.
Lawful Permanent Residence –The 'Green Card'
For many people, obtaining a 'Green Card' is a significant personal goal. The technical term is 'lawful permanent residence', and the visa is no longer green, but we are happy to use the near-universally accepted term 'Green Card'.
The sad news is that it will generally take several years to obtain a green card, so your employer will probably want to use a temporary ('non-immigrant') visa to get you to the US; once you are there you can embark on the longer project of getting your 'Green Card'
For further details about green cards from the point of view of the employer, Click here.
Can I be a freelance contractor in the US?
Being a professional freelance contractor, in the way that IT professionals have been able to in Australia, the UK (pre IR35), and (albeit only recently) in much of Continental Europe, is not an option in the US.
This restriction is not linked to visa requirements. Indeed, agencies are able to sponsor visas, and in 1998/9 Computer People was the 2nd largest user of H-1B visas. However, in the US people do not normally act through personal service companies, because laws force them to be the direct employees of the agency.
H1B Speciality Occupation Visas
This is a visa for people coming to the USA to work for a US employer in a professional-level position. Valid for 3 years initially, can be extended to 6.
Candidate Requirements:
Candidate must have secured job offer from a US source.
In order to get an H1B visa you will need the equivalent of a US college or university degree in a relevant subject.
If you have been educated outside the US, this requirement can often be met by:
EITHER - A non-US and/or only partly relevant degree, followed by three or more years work experience.
OR – Twelve years of high-level work experience.
NB If you wish to practice a profession such as law, medicine, or accountancy, etc, you will also need to obtain the relevant State or Federal licence to practice in the place of intended employment.
If you would like to find out about the H1B application process from the point of view of your employer, Click here.
L1 Intra-Company Transfer Visas
The L1 visa is used to transfer to a US parent, affiliate, subsidiary or branch office an employee from a related foreign company. There are two types of L1 visas:
The L1A for Executive/Managerial staff
The L1B for Specialist Knowledge staff
L1 visas are issued for an initial 1 or 3 years.
L1A visas can be extended to a maximum of 7 years.
L1B visas can be extended to a maximum of 5 years
Candidate Requirements:
You must have worked for the transferring employer outside US for at least one year in the last three.
If you are a manager/executive, you must be going to manage a major subdivision or function of your employer's US operation.
If you are a specialized knowledge worker, you must have in-depth experience of your employer's particular products, processes, procedures and/or practices.
If you would like to find out about the L1 visa application process from the point of view of your employer, Click Here.
E Treaty Trader or Treaty Investor Visas
These are visas for the employees of companies registered as Treaty Traders or Treaty Investors (i.e. those which undertake substantial trade with, or have made substantial investment in, the USA.)
E visas are now generally issued for an initial period of up to 2 years; they can be renewed indefinitely.
Candidate Requirements:
You must be of same nationality as the Treaty Registered employer (i.e. if you work for a UK company, you can only go to the US on an E visa if you are a UK national).
You must be experienced in, and going to undertake, a managerial or executive role OR must have skills or knowledge essential to the operation of the business in the US in order to qualify for the E Treaty Trader or Treaty Investor Visa.
E-3 Visa for Australians
In 2005, the US announced a new visa called the E-3, for Australians only. The E3 visa allows Australian nationals, along with their spouses and children, to come to the US to work in a specialty occupation.
This should be welcome news for Australians interested in working in the US. Until now, Australians have had to battle it out with others around the world for the highly desired H1B Visa. Last year only 900 Australians obtained an H1B - now Australians have 10,500 E3 visas just for themselves. A specialty occupation is one that requires a body of knowledge in a professional field, and at least a bachelor's degree or its equivalent, as a minimum for entry into the occupation in the United States. For Australians interested in the E3 visa, the process is actually quite similar to the H1B visa. You must first find a job with a company who will then sponsor your visa. There are 10,500 E-3 visas available per year.Spouses of an E-3 visa holder are permitted to come to the US and work also. A spouse's employment may be in a position other than a specialty occupation.
Exchange visas can be obtained for 18 months through approved J visa programs. The aim of this program is to foster international relations by bringing exchange visitors into the US to acquire skills that can be utilized in their home country. These programs need to be designated by the United States Information Agency. If you wish to work for a short period of time, the easiest method may be on a J-1 exchange visitor visa. However if you wish to apply for a "more permanent" non-immigrant visa at a later date or permanent residence, depending on the scheme, there may be problems. There is a two-year home residency requirement after the J visa program is complete. Please visit the US Department of State's Web site for more details on the types of J visa provided. The web site is In addition the two-year home residency requirement may be waived. For more information of whether you qualify for the waiver visit: US Department of State.
What about my spouse and children?
Dependants of personnel with US work visas are not generally allowed to work in the US, unless they can qualify for a US work visa in their own right, and can find a US employer to sponsor them. Dependants can, however, engage in study in the US. The dependants of a US work visa holder obtain their derivative visas at the same time as the main visa holder.
Other Visas:
A Visas: Diplomatic Personnel
B Visas: Temporary Tourist/Business Visas
C Visas: Continuous Transit
D Visas: Crewmember Visas
F Visas: Students (academic) Visas
G Visas: International Organization RepresentativesH Visas:
H-1B: Speciality Workers/Fashion Models
H-2A: Temporary Agricultural Workers
H-2B: Skilled/Unskilled Workers Provided USCs/LPRs Unavailable
H-3: Trainees
H-4: Accompanying Family Members
I Visas: Foreign Media
K Visas: Fiance Visas/Spousal Visas
M Visas: M-1 (vocational) Study Visas/Non-Academic Students
N Visas: Relatives of Employees of International Organizations
O Visas: Aliens with Extraordinary Ability and their Support Team
P Visas: Internationally Recognized Entertainers or Athletes
Q Visas: Cultural Exchange Visas
R Visas: Religious Workers
S Visas: People Who Provide Information to US Law Enforcement Agencies
T Visas: Victims of Trafficking
TN Visas: Trade Visas for Canadians and Mexicans
If you have any queries regarding US employment visas, or wish to engage to process your visa application, please contact us.
H-1B visa
L-1 visa
US companies
Non-US companies
Assessment Form
H-1B Visa Application
Employment based Green Cards
U.S. Green Card Lottery / DV-2008
Family - based visas
Visas for medical professionals
Exchange Visitor Visas
Becoming a citizen
Relocating to the US
Immigration to
more countries »
Immigration Assessments
UK HSMP assessment
UK employee work permit
Australia skilled immigration
Canadian skilled workers
US green card lottery
US H-1B for individuals
US L-1 appraisal form
US Green card assessment
German green card
General assessment
Eligibility certificate
Full assessments list
extracted from
Visitor Visas - Business and Pleasure
How an US employer gets you a WORK PERMIT
How to apply for non immigrant Visa
Immigrant Visas
U.S. Citizens Filing Petitions for Foreign Spouses
U.S. citizens who plan to marry or have married foreign spouses may bring their spouse to the United States using one of two types of visa:
Fiance(e) Visa - For those wishing to marry in the United States
To petition for an alien fiancé(e), U.S. citizens must file an I-129F petition with the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) office serving the citizen's residence in the United States. The U.S. citizen petitioner and the foreign fiancé(e) must have met personally at least once in the two years before the petition was filed. A citizen opting for a fiancé(e) visa must remain unmarried until the arrival of the fiancé(e) in the U.S., and the wedding must take place within ninety days of the fiancé(e)'s arrival. After the marriage, the foreign spouse must apply for lawful permanent residency.
More information about fiance(e)visas. Spouse Visa - For those who have already married abroad or in the U.S.
If a U.S. citizen marries an alien abroad, an I-130 petition must be filed with the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services after the marriage to begin the immigration process for the alien spouse. For marriages in India, such petitions may be filed with the U.S. Citizenship &Immigration Services office at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi only if the U.S. citizen resides in India. Please visit the USCIS New Delhi website for more details. If the citizen does not meet the residency requirements to file in New Delhi, her or she must file the petition with the U.S.Citizenship & Immigration Services office serving the citizen's residence in the U.S.
Confessions of an Ex- consultant
Ideas, Innovation & Creativity in Business:A new report from Edward de Bono and Robert Heller.It's free with your trial subscription
Dear fellow manager, You can make a good case for using management consultants. They are not committed either emotionally or intellectually to the status quo. They not only can see what changes are needed, but have acquired expertise - which their hosts have not - in structuring a change programme, selling it to the participants (willing and unwilling), and easing the strains and pains the change is bound to bring. But the consultant is, of course, tied to the people who pay the fees. If the executive management can't make a clean break from the past, all the consultants in the world can't help to achieve radical change. But supposing we give you the ammunition, the logic and procedures to introduce 'best practice' techniques into your work practices? As an insider, could you make change happen? First, let me explain where we get our information: Via two of the world's greatest management thinkers, you can learn from the world's most successful business leaders What if two of the world's greatest management thinkers were invited into hundreds of businesses, talked to Chief Executive officers and their executives, took an analytical look at how their management processes work, and then sent you a monthly briefing on what techniques are working and where? Could you use that personal information to improve your own management performance and prospects? The Letter to Thinking Managers provides solutions to hundreds of common management problems. I'd like you to try it, at no risk, over the next two months. Most managers are far too busy to do our kind of investigative analysis. And we are the best, by far, at doing it. Our two editors are Robert Heller and Edward de Bono, two of the leading creative thinkers in management today. Both are highly critical of many management practices. They give examples of bad practice so you'll avoid making the same mistakes as others. Then they offer guidelines for a way forward. We are currently offering a two-month free trial. If you decide to subscribe, you'll build a substantial workbook of best practice procedures for every important aspect of managing and growing a successful business:
Creativity * Decision Making * Lateral Thinking * Priorities * Problem Solving * Risk Strategy * Change Management * Crisis Management * Human Resource Management * Management Consulting * Management Styles * Management Theories * Management Training * Performance Management * Quality Management * Risk Management * Strategic Management * Total Quality Management * Business Analysis * Business Consulting * Business Development * Business Ethics * Business Intelligence * Business Law * Business Magazines * Business Management Skills * Business Strategy * International Business * Internet Business * Online Business * Small Business * Corporate Acquisitions * Corporate Communication * Corporate Culture * Corporate Restructuring * Corporate Responsibility * Corporate Turnaround * Entrepreneurship * Leadership
Try Letter to Thinking Managers, free, for the next two months Try Letter to Thinking Managers newsletter free over the next two months. Your first two issues and free report are ready for instant download. During your two-month free evaluation you can try our solutions, guidelines and procedures. If you decide not to subscribe, simply cancel your order and your payment instructions will be destroyed. The terms of your trial are guaranteed by us, and by the independent payment administrator WorldPay. Order here: Mark Nunney PublisherLetter to Thinking Managers
Letter To Thinking Managers is published by Heller Management Ltd, 7 Park Place, Wadebridge, Cornwall, pl27 7ea, United Kingdom
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
go there for more whacky jokes..
Yeh coding kaise hota hai?
Despite the big numbers, however, nearly all of the American managers have always considered the ISO 9001 with hatred, taking it as another 'European barrier' to do business in the Old Continent. First of all, to quote the American consultant and author Helen Gillespie “if you are like normal people, you will read the standard and still not understand what it is”; and neither entrepreneurs nor managers do like things they do not understand. Moreover, due to the reasons mentioned above, they had to get their companies certified nonetheless; hence, they urgently requested consulting and training services to individuals and consulting companies to implement the standard, get certified and go ahead doing “business as usual”.
American vs Japanese Management
US to create 'risk assessments' of air passengers
Tom Espiner ZDNet UK
Published: 05 Dec 2006 12:45 GMT
The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has implemented a data-mining scheme for all passengers travelling to the US, including travellers from the European Union.
The Automated Targeting Scheme (ATS) is a data-mining system that will let the agency create "risk assessments" of tens of millions of travellers. The information will be held for 40 years, and even US citizens will have no right to view those risk assessments.,1000000189,39284987,00.htm
more jokes
Basics for dummies

go there for more whacky jokes..

Yeh coding kaise hota hai?
Despite the big numbers, however, nearly all of the American managers have always considered the ISO 9001 with hatred, taking it as another 'European barrier' to do business in the Old Continent. First of all, to quote the American consultant and author Helen Gillespie “if you are like normal people, you will read the standard and still not understand what it is”; and neither entrepreneurs nor managers do like things they do not understand. Moreover, due to the reasons mentioned above, they had to get their companies certified nonetheless; hence, they urgently requested consulting and training services to individuals and consulting companies to implement the standard, get certified and go ahead doing “business as usual”.
American vs Japanese Management
US to create 'risk assessments' of air passengers
Tom Espiner ZDNet UK
Published: 05 Dec 2006 12:45 GMT
The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has implemented a data-mining scheme for all passengers travelling to the US, including travellers from the European Union.
The Automated Targeting Scheme (ATS) is a data-mining system that will let the agency create "risk assessments" of tens of millions of travellers. The information will be held for 40 years, and even US citizens will have no right to view those risk assessments.,1000000189,39284987,00.htm
more jokes
Basics for dummies
Tell me, and I`ll forget. Show me, and I`ll remember.
Involve me, and I`ll learn.
More quotes from Marla Jones
So u want to be a consultant?
Complaints about the management consulting industry are as old as theindustry itself, and the jokes ("A consultant is a guy who'll steal your watch to tell you what time it is") exist for a reason.
I've worked in IT consulting for a long time, which is rather adifferent thing, but I've seen enough successful *management consulting* engagements to realize that, while abuses certainly exist, it's far from the universal scam that this tabloid-journalist-wannabe author wants to make it out to be. Sometimes, an outsider is in a unique position to speak truth to power (for example) and tell them something that they wouldn't listen to or accept from their own staff.
What we have here is some guy trying to sell a book (who evidently couldn't get a distribution deal with an actual publisher and went the vanity press route), and who apparently also noticed that, these days,yelling and ranting and generally catering to people with short attention spans gets you noticed. Good for him. Hope he sells a lot of books on his web site.
Involve me, and I`ll learn.
More quotes from Marla Jones
So u want to be a consultant?
Complaints about the management consulting industry are as old as theindustry itself, and the jokes ("A consultant is a guy who'll steal your watch to tell you what time it is") exist for a reason.
I've worked in IT consulting for a long time, which is rather adifferent thing, but I've seen enough successful *management consulting* engagements to realize that, while abuses certainly exist, it's far from the universal scam that this tabloid-journalist-wannabe author wants to make it out to be. Sometimes, an outsider is in a unique position to speak truth to power (for example) and tell them something that they wouldn't listen to or accept from their own staff.
What we have here is some guy trying to sell a book (who evidently couldn't get a distribution deal with an actual publisher and went the vanity press route), and who apparently also noticed that, these days,yelling and ranting and generally catering to people with short attention spans gets you noticed. Good for him. Hope he sells a lot of books on his web site.
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