5 Reasons To Trust Pharmasafe
REASON #1Pharmasafe™ utilizes 0.2 micron sterile filtration technology to provide you a safer, purer and superior product.
What's so special about 0.2 micron sterile filtration?
How fine is 0.2 micron? A strand of hair is typically 1 micron thick so you can imagine how fine 0.2 micron is! That’s how superior Pharmasafe™ products are. Most contact lens care products are produced with 0.45 micron filtration and this means more unwanted elements get into the final product. The medical industry requires a minimum of 0.2 micron sterile filtration for products meant for intravenous application—liquids that are injected into the human body—but Pharmasafe™ chooses to use this standard to ensure a purer, safer and superior product because we care for the health of your eyes.
REASON #2Pharmasafe™ products are created by professionals highly respected in their fields.
Does Pharmasafe™ develop its own formula?
All Pharmasafe™ products are developed in our own research and development facility by internationally acknowledged experts in ophthamology and microbiology. We manufacture and bottle our products in our own state-of-the-art clean room facility to ensure we meet the highest health standards. Our unique MoistureRich™ formulation helps contact lenses retain moisture and stay lubricated all day long. Since 1995, Pharmasafe™ users enjoy noticeable relief from dryness and irritation for longer periods of time thus proving our products' ability to deliver as promised.
REASON #3Pharmasafe™ products are Conformité Européenne (CE) certified.
What does CE certification imply?
Our manufacturing process and products are analyzed, assessed and certified to meet the highest standards for medical devices in countries belonging to the European Union (EU). This includes minimization and elimination of risks of infections and side effects and assurance of biocompatibility.
Performance and Benefit
Our products are certified to comply with specified product properties to ensure therapeutic and diagnostic benefits. This includes clinical and diagnostic evaluations.
Our processes and products are constantly monitored to ensure they meet the requirements and standards set by countries belonging to the European Union (EU) throughout our products' life cycle.
Developed countries such as those in the EU demand the most stringent standards to ensure product integrity. Therefore, with CE certification, consumers are assured of a world-class product that delivers as promised.
As of July 2011, Pharmasafe™ is the only Malaysian-owned manufacturer of contact lens care products that is CE-certified. Beware of brands in the market which claim to possess CE certification. Pharmasafe's CE Certification may be verified through our EC Representative, Obelis SA located at Av. de Tervuren 34, BTE 44, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium.
REASON #4Pharmasafe™ possesses ISO 13485 certification.
What is ISO 13485?
ISO 13485 is an ISO standard that represents the requirements for a comprehensive management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices of which Pharmasafe™ products are classified under. ISO 13485 requires demonstration that the quality system is implemented and maintained. This system introduces controls in the work environment to ensure product safety and focuses on risk management and product development activities. It also includes specific requirements for documentation and validation of processes for sterile medical devices. This simply means that Pharmasafe™ products adhere to specific international manufacturing standards.
REASON #5Pharmasafe™ products have been widely accepted since 1995.
Where can I find Pharmasafe™ products?
Pharmasafe™ products are available at leading opthamologists, opticians, pharmacies and retail outlets.
Why can't I find Pharmasafe™ products in some places?
Unfortunately, many retailers prefer to retail imported brands over Pharmasafe™ products because they have the common perception that imported goods are superior. So do many contact lens users. Yet many of these leading brands have many a times been recalled due to adverse usage reactions. In contrast, Pharmasafe™ has been delivering purer, safer and superior products that benefit not just the health of our customers but their pockets as well. Our popular value packs are available in many variants and provide a superior option for smart consumers. If you cannot find Pharmasafe™ products in your area, please contact us.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
54 BLOGS here
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The R T A, Layabouts, Fascist Public Servants, Get the chop they deserve.
A GREAT write up in the Monday July 18, Sydney Daily Telegraph, pages 4-5. Explains the past and present short-comings of this unpalatable bunch of public servants, who until recently have enjoyed Carte Blanche among their 7,000 members, The former State Labour Govt could not deal with the RTA's unconditional authority as much as they tried.(union pressure) However the new Lib State Govt are having no qualms about sorting out the deadwood from these under utilized sedentary bludgers. Reports last week of people being laid off with a 10,000 dollar redundancy payment, having been pai...
Creator vs. Curator
Post by Lisa Ding, Community Manager Of the blogs that I read every day, more than half are blogs that link me to news articles, websites, or other blog posts on the web. It used to be that bloggers were expected to write original content. While original content remains highly valued by many readers, it's no longer taboo to simply share things that you find elsewhere on the Internet. Followers will read your blog to see the great content that you surface. Essentially, every blog can be a small gallery of a blogger’s interests and taste. One of my go-to blogs for Internet trends is ...

I understand the seasons now I know their shades are varied moods and knowing savor each in turn ... The lightning, sudden frightening bolts of brightness ... let it come ... for this is beauty deepest mood that complements the peaceful days ... Then let it pass, let winds blow soft and brush my cheek with moistened lips ... for this is beauty, deepest calm that complements the stormy days ... Let each shade color me in turn, the red, the blue the purple days for I would know the shades of each yet be the color of the whole.
Real Men with hair Go to a Barber shop
The wind and the bucketing rain was ignored until I arose at 9-20Am this winters morn,. definitely differing from yesterdays sunny and warmer day, when I rose early for my pre spring shearing at our local barber shop. The three minute walk stretched to twenty by gassing with neighbours on the way. There are several shearing sheds around the area I live , in the main they are dominated by shearing Sheila's where the customers are mostly women. Men can expect to pay around twenty five bucks for a short back and sides if they dare sit among leering women who consider it their ordained ...
PRES OBAMA An ARAB and could be Related to JESUS.
"COR BLIMEY" who wants to be an ARAB ? Is OBAMA the real. OSAMA under cover. PASS THIS ON. This Guy must be exposed. Is OBAMA a resurrected JESUS ?
To: Subject: Fw: Iceland's Volcanic Eruption vs Control of CO2 Emissions !!!!!
Info forwarded from Stan our man and D/G and KGV Assoc. *-------Original Message-------* *From:* *Date:* 7/17/2011 5:43:20 AM *To:* *Subject:* Fw: Iceland's Volcanic Eruption vs Control of CO2 Emissions !!!!! Ian Rutherford Plimer (born 12 February 1946) is an Australian geologist, academic and businessman, and professor of mining geology at the University of Adelaide . You will appreciate his take on climate change (aka: global warming). Professor Ian Plimer could not have said it better! If you've read his book you will agree, this is a good summary. Are you sitting down? Okay,...
It has happened Again.

It has happened again. The people at number nine have cut across our frontage and have crashed into the ditch. Our box trailer strategically placed prevents people in number 13 from doing the same , their frontage is looking like a Quagmire. Call me what you wish, but I refuse to move our trailer, plus they haven't apologised for blocking my driveway so I am stuck at home too. The NRMA truck is now in attendance, So stuff them. Better still Bollocks.
Why do you blog?
Posted by Inci Atrek, User Education Specialist Hi Bloggers, At the beginning, life can seem a bit lonely in the blogosphere, so kudos to you for taking that first step and starting a blog. Whether your purpose has evolved over the years or you’ve stuck around for the same reasons that got you started, we truly enjoyed reading your responses to our #bloggerasks tweet on why you blog. @CprincessUK broke it down in list form, music blogger @LinerNotes crafted a mission statement, and @fortnow blogged about blogging for Blogger’s 10th anniversary. Others of you kept your raison d’êtr...
Daily Gaggle Post number 850. And Eighty Five Today 16-7-26 to16-7-2011..
Suddenly I am Eighty Five, Fifteen beyond the allotted three score and ten, doesn't time fly. Time flies like an arrow some say, mind you up North in in Queensland, it's - Fruit flies like a Banana. I believe it is our bodies which age with time. Just thinking a few moments ago of the time I was fishing for sticklebacks in the brook at Chalgrove eighty years back, don't think the local kids can do this anymore, because when I was back there in 2009, I noticed the flood gate was permanently open allowing the water formerly powering the mill from the back brook to increase the flow of ...
Update on Browser Support
Posted by Brett Wiltshire, Product Operations Our team has been thinking a lot recently about browser support, and wanted to make you aware of our new plan moving forward. For web applications like Blogger to continue to evolve at a rapid pace, our engineering team needs to make use of new capabilities available in modern browsers. For example, Dynamic Views, which we previewed in March, and Web Fonts both require advanced browsers that support HTML5. Older browsers just aren’t able to provide you with the same high-quality experience. For this reason, starting next month Blogger.co...

*So many ask ... "Where has the summer gone ?"* *with lovely days and beauty everywhere ...* *We never hear ... "Where has the winter gone?"* *It hasn't - it stays till spring is here ...* *Why is happiness as brief as a song* *When grief and sorrow are so very long?*
Fashion blogs on Blogger
Posted by Lisa Ding, Community Manager I wouldn’t consider myself a “fashionista,” but I do follow a good fashion blog or two. Aside from The Sartorialist, which is one of the most frequently-viewed blogs on Blogger, I’m an avid follower of The Man Repeller. The blog is filled with photos of beautiful clothes, and I love the sassy attitude of Miss Man Repeller herself. This lady really seems to embrace the phrase “dressing for other girls.” Men, don’t worry about it. There are quite a few popular fashion blogs on Blogger, but one thing that I’ve noticed many have in common is the ...
The New BURQA... Video
The New Burqa Video is available on receipt of your email address. Send to vest@dailygaggle.com This movie is cool.
Hokey Pokey
With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment it is worth retlecting on the death of a very important person which went almost -unnoticed last week, : Larrv La Prise. the person who wrote the "Hoky Pokey" died peaceful1y recently. *Getting him in his coffin was a disaster.they put the left foot in and the right came out. Then they turned around. did the hokey pokey amd slammed the lid shut.* >83 :-., :> -~~,. The nlost traumatIC part for hIS fan-lily \/vas getling hini into the coffin :> >. :> put Ilis left leg in -and things just started to go dOvVllh...
Sweetheart, you are more to me than dearness ... more than love and yet these two are inseparably bound in every thought and concept I have of you ... In your fleeting smile and in the sweeter sound of your lyrical voice in every strand of hair that frames those calm and ever comprehending eyes that see within my very soul and you understand and empathize ... ________________________________ (Thank you, dearest!) (I love you!)
ISLAM. A source of Lies, Laggardness and deceit, lacking in Morals and Equality. When in my youth I was given stern advice by more seasoned sailors before going ashore in Egypt, 'Never trust an Arab". "They'll Strip you clean, skin you and nick your last akker (piastre)" And for those more moderate and sociable people whom I encountered, such as those in the former colonies of Malaya and Singapore where this cap doesn't fit in its entirety...my apologies. BOAT PEOPLE. These International Bludgers should be afforded the minimum of subsistence and no more, Most of them are th...
Start reading this saga from two posts back ISRAEL IS SIXTY THREE YEARS OLD AT MIDNIGHT on the 14Th day of the merry month of May in 1948, the British Mandate of Palestine became the State of Israel. From that time onward to the present, it has been engaged in bitter conflict with its Arab neighbours. Never before in the history of Great Britain has such joy been experienced by the ceding of Palestine to its new mob of incompetent administrators. Israel 's citizens did a count down at midnight last May14 to celebrate the 63rd year of the state of Israel , But sadly the rest of ...
Meet Bruce, Blogger PM
Posted by Bruce Polderman, Product Manager Hello Bloggers! I’m relatively new to the Blogger team, but have been a Product Manager on Google’s “Geo” team since 2006, specifically for the Google 3D Warehouse. Product Managers work closely with software engineers, designers, and marketing to establish product requirements and define product features. What initially attracted me to Blogger was the impact that it has on people’s lives. Blogs, by their very nature, enable people to express themselves. Some blogs attract our readership from an intellectual perspective, some for their e...
THE HOLY LAND ! Or what?
ISRAEL may struggle for peace, but its Sex Trade is Flourishing, The Daily Gaggle reports From the HOLY LAND? Yitzhak was lucky to get the parking spot along Tel Aviv's fashionable Ben Yehuda Street. It was after all Thursday night and the traffic was bustling. Rolling up the windows of his Ford Sierra, he tossed his newspaper in the child's seat; pulled out his phone and called his home. " Hi Honey, I'm just going to pick up some groceries and head home". then walking passed the flower shop and the supermarket he he headed into a seemingly innocuous apartment building procl...
Fella's with Big Smella's sentence Dog to death by Stoning..
IF it isn't those Jihad goons or archaic Qoran cuckoos stoning their so called adulterers to death, we have instead those sharp beaked biblical bozo's from the 'Wailing wallers' team of stoners trying to outsmart their old enemy the Palestinian rock chuckers. It would seem that, the adultery thingy is not frowned upon as much as in the past with the vast number of Cat houses in the Promised land now into the thousands. Opportunities for a jolly good stoning are few these days. Rabbis are now too busily Bonking to be tied down to traditional ethics, Rabbi's er (Jewish Vicars or sumfin...
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